The following products are currently registered and cleared for clinical use under the CE Mark. Please contact Sienco if you are unsure of your country's regulatory requirements. For products currently cleared for clinical use under the U.S. FDA, please visit our Sonoclot USA site.
Model SC1

The one-channel SC1 Sonoclot Coagulation Analyzer provides ACT and Clot Rate results. May be used with SonoView Data Retrieval Software or stand-alone.
- SC1 Brochure
- SC1 User Manual
- Available Tests: kACT Kit, gbACT Kit, aiACT Kit
Model SCP1

The one-channel SCP1 Sonoclot Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer provides quantitative ACT, Clot Rate, and Platelet Function results and the qualitative Sonoclot Signature. For use with Signature Viewer Data Collection Software.
- SCP1 Brochure
- SCP1 User Manual
- Available Tests: kACT Kit, gbACT Kit, aiACT Kit, gbACT+ Kit, Non-Activated Kit
Model SCP2

The two-channel SCP2 Sonoclot Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer provides ACT, Clot Rate, and Platelet Function results. This model is ideally suited for performing differential testing with the gbACT+ and H-gbACT+ tests. For use with Signature Viewer Data Collection Software.
- SCP2 Brochure
- SCP2 User Manual
- Available Tests: kACT Kit, gbACT Kit, aiACT Kit, gbACT+ Kit, Non-Activated Kit H-gbACT+ Kit