Sienco is aware of the presence of grey market and counterfeit products in China.
Grey market products are products that have been originally manufactured by Sienco but have entered the Chinese supply chain through illegal pathways. The quality of these products is compromised because the storage and transportation conditions cannot be verified. Additionally, these products may have been altered. Such alterations could have compromised product quality.
Counterfeit products are products that may have been orginially manufactured by Sienco and repackaged by an unauthroized party, products that have been manufactured by an unauthorized party, or any product claiming to be for use with the Sonoclot Analyzer that has not been distributed by VMG. These products may have false expiration dating, poor product quality, or improper packaging.
Both grey market and counterfeit products compromise the clinical care you can provide to your patients.
Sienco and VMG are taking great measures to eliminate grey market and counterfeit products. Vigilance may be taken on the part of end-users as well. If you have any questions about your supply chain or products that you currently have, please contact VMG or Sienco.
Only products manufactured by Sienco and distributed by VMG provide reliable and legitimate test results to ensure quality patient care.